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Our committee is made up of people who have an interest in the Altona Meadows community and are all volunteers. Below are a few of the key members on the committee. At this time, we have 7 key members on the committee. 

If you would like to join our group, take a look at our events page or complete our contact page.


Jodi is highly passionate about ensuring Altona Meadows continues to thrive and that our future is highly prosperous.  She has a long standing affiliation with the local community, being a representative of many local community groups including Scouts and Rotary.



Ray has lived in Hobsons Bay on and off since 2000. He has two grown children and enjoys living in Altona Meadows. As a working professional, Ray is keen to see transport, business and community facilities improved.



Nathan has recently moved to Hobsons Bay. He and his partner enjoy living in Altona Meadows and have a strong desire to help improve services to the community. 

Nathans role is supported by an independent bookkeeper. 

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