Home to over 30 clubs and 6000+ registered participants, the Altona Sports Centre is Hobsons Bay's netball and basketball hub. Located within HD Graham Reserve, Altona Meadows, the Sports Centre was initially constructed in the 1980's and extended in 2008. It currently has 6 indoor basketball/netball courts, 2 outdoor netball courts in addition to amenities, meetings rooms, kiosk and nearby parking.
Council has undertaken a feasibility study to investigate the Centre's user needs and facility requirements, to help Council shape its plan for the future of the facility. This included an extensive community consultation process that included over 600 responses from users of the Altona Sports Centre in addition to direct consultation with sporting associations and other stakeholders. It is fantastic to see that the Centre is supported by such an active and passionate community. View the initial Survey Results Summary(PDF, 289KB) online now.
The outcome of the study identified that a four court expansion of the Altona Sport Centre addresses current unmet and future expansion demands.
A four court expansion of the Altona Sports Centre meets the needs of the Hobsons Bay community and will also provide an important service to the wider community in adjoining municipalities.
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Cost planning for a four court extension and associated works to the wider site is estimated at $18.5 million. Council's previous Draft Capital Works Program includes the allocation of $7.5 million for the extension of the Altona Sports Centre. In addition to a contribution by Council, an application will be prepared to obtain the maximum funding available of $3 million from the Victorian State Government's Better Indoor Stadium Fund in 2018.
On the basis that the above funding streams are realized of the maximum value, there is a funding shortfall of $8 million. Additional funding sources are required to meet the total project cost of the project, which are being investigated and will need to be confirmed for the project to proceed.
The Altona Sports Centre has been identified as a priority action for Council as part of their Draft Capital Works Program. A development process has been recommended which included commencing the design process for the extension. This is required to ensure that Council is eligible to apply for the Victorian State Government's Better Indoor Stadium Funding, to be lodged in 2018.
A Council report was presented to the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 14 November 2017. You can view a copy of this report here.
Project Stages and Timelines
Development ProcessDate
Funding Strategy - ShortfallDec 2017 - Oct 2018
Schematic Design PhaseFeb 2018 - May 2018
State Government Funding ApplicationJune 2018 - October 2018
Council Approvals - funding sources, approval project Approximately October 2018
Commence constructionApproximately April 2019
For further information
For information on this project contact the Altona Sports Centre project team at projects@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au or call 9932 1131.